Saturday, 21 May 2011

21-May-2011 - John ISON IS CLEARLY NO FRIEND of Steve MORSON's!!

 21-May-2011 - John ISON IS CLEARLY NO FRIEND of Steve MORSON's!!

some interesting points raised on Anthony Butcher's UKIP controlled Forum by One time Branch Chairman, PPC for UKIP and if I recall correctly West Midlands UKIP Committee activist Steve Morson - who clearly seems not to trust, or hold in other than contempt John Ison - I view seemingly held by virtually everyone who purports to know him.

Save of course the utterly discredited Skeptyk with his cowardly anonymity from behind which he has been shown to be a liar, a low life and no more than a collective for scum amongst the parasites seeking personal gain in UKIP. Little more than a smear campaign group who seek out or invent any foul fantasy to shore up their dishonest presentation to suit their need, with no concern for veracity or context.

Steve Morson would seem to at least try to present accurately even if I may personally take issue with some of hic conclusions - there being no gratuitous malice in them though at fault on occasion!
Richard Allen: As Skeptyk doesn’t speak to me these days, Richard, this is for your benefit mainly.

So here we go again, just as we’re having a nice time with lots of juicy stuff to talk about, nothing to do with delusional backstabbers, look at what name gets resurrected! As a comfort, I assure you I will not allow a single false word to appear about “Mr.” Ison. This applies here on the BDF, or anywhere else, Chepstow Sage also be warned! If I see a false word appearing anywhere, I will alert the forum / blog mod or admin to the correct facts, being an unparalleled expert on the subject (judging by the severity and number of “wounds”, anyway). There.

As for libel, well as I’m currently experiencing, it involves - as I suspected – eye-watering sums of money, but I have found a very accomplished specialist solicitor at actually very reasonable rates and based ‘up the road’ in central Birmingham, and of course a pro bono lawyer. So with that, a barrage of evidence that satisfies him and offers of help, I’m set 'Fair'! And, it’s an adventure! I’ll keep you updated, even if anything happens in the meantime to arrest my course of action.

But I have to say, Richard, that I would have thought Skeppy would be aware that some people live their lives – shall we say….differently - and have ‘alternative’ mores, scruples and values. They behave in a way that is as repulsive as it is morally bankrupt to many right-thinking people, and so virtually no-one could print anything about them that was sufficiently injurious to warrant libel proceedings. Therefore when seemingly disconnected but intelligent people leap to their defence over utter trivia they end up looking like irredeemable fools. For the curious, my offer still stands:-

Quote Originally Posted by Steve Morson View Post
...I will yield more by PM for those prepared to reveal their true identity under solemn promise - I will give my WORD - of utter secrecy....
Anyway, I am sad. It seems to me that the resurrection of this name, when everyone is doing their level best to erase it from memory, discussions about names on press releases and who-was-on-what flight-with-whom–and-when, all seem to me to be concern about the flaking paint on the support bracket of the cistern in the leftmost ladies toilet cubicle on C deck (starboard), when our "ship" has just hit a ****ing great lump of ice.
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

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